In search of a swan! I trust my eyes yesterday, what is happening right now on the old Danube in Vienna.
We tried to count to 300! Swans it need be, that romp, and because right now waiting for food.
to photograph a single swan was not really easy, as difficult as any to get in front of the lens, so g ut impossible You have to just imagine the amount verfielfacht. Is waiting for me with different settings to shoot some pictures. However, no easy task, with 2 cameras, 2 children and hundreds of swans at the same time manage to come.
A few shots, I would still like to show you. Who wants to see all that can do here like .
Yesterday I was searching for at least ONE swan, but I found dog hundreds of them, on the Danube in the old city of Vienna. More here.
Not quite sharp unfortunately, but the guy is not adorable?
Not really sharpe, but cuuute Sun
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