... since today we have a Skywalker in the family ;-)
Actually, I've ordered in the states of an original costume, as it was not until Wednesday because I had decided to summarily able to save and put me behind the sewing machine, otherwise Tristan was just terribly disappointed. They celebrated today are already carnival party at the school, before the certificate distribution.
It was difficult to find a section, since so many ways buzz around the web, so I only followed the official photos.
The attire consists of a wrap shirt, wrap jacket and a tunic cape, pants and boot tops to which I am particularly proud they are of Babycord with zippers that can take it now to his medieval garb revisions when the medieval markets leave again.
It almost would have been no pictures, no time was home, but before the School were still rapidly from any.
Here you can see the winding elements very well, was not easy to get them in these grades really.
a better belt I have to make him still at some point, but otherwise I'm very proud to Jedi Knight costume, and this is rarely the case, I'm usually far too self-critical and Erbsenzählerin.
Now I'm very curious to see how clean he is now back home ;-)
I wish you all a fine weekend!
english summary:
I sewed a Jedi Knight Costume for Tristan, because the costume ordered from the usa did not arrive in time.
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