... after seeing in so many of your blogs already so beautiful tulips images were and are, I thought it also no longer enough. Actually, I talk with spring flowers and - return decode at least until February.
I have not made it into the flower shop, but my hero has brought me some and I was curious what it would take then. He has been sober for a bouquet of pink tulips decided with a little broom. And a bunch of white tulips with other petals, some ranunculus and anemones were also still in the process. Hopefully you have something
sit still, which is a slightly larger photo posting. Playing with the camera, with light & hood I love yes.
The images are almost all made with different settings been. Nothing filtered, all pure from the camera ;-)
The Pink ostrich is in an old coffee pot on my Spiegeltischchen in my white bedroom, which I've always still be hidden, I know, sorry, but first needs the blanket deal * lol *
box for night I decided for a touch of pink.
May I introduce: My parents ;-) The part I got from my dear Feundin birthday.
This lady is unknown to me, I have some time, 'adopted' at a flea market somewhere.
finds you so I can always difficult to choose a vase. The following material for the white ostrich is actually too small, but I have taken it anyway.
plays a large aperture.
but would rather have me running beautifully blurred images.
These petals have just done to me.
The ranunculus and anemones I leave it now before the outside, otherwise I run all of it here.
I wish you a very fine weekend.
My mounting hole for the blanket has unfortunately closed kurfristig, but if come in unexpected orders, so be it, I can hardly say I'm sorry, I have to sew a quilt for her concerns I have no time * g *
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